Jackson A. Dowd


E-mail: jdowd@k-plaw.com
Phone: 617.654.1739
Practice Areas: Land Use, Real Estate, General Municipal

Attorney Dowd assists the firm’s clients in all facets of municipal law, land use, real estate, and environmental law.  Attorney Dowd was a law clerk at the firm and joined the firm as an associate in 2024 after graduating from Suffolk University Law School.  Prior to joining the firm, Attorney Dowd interned at Krokidas & Bluestein LLP in their real estate practice group, and with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Elections Division.

Prior Experience

Krokidas & Bluestein LLP, Boston, MA
Law Clerk (2023)

Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Elections Division, Boston, MA
Law Clerk (2022)

KP Law, P.C.
Law Clerk (2022)