Attorney Lauren Goldberg will be a featured speaker at this year’s annual New Selectmen Training Seminar sponsored by the Massachusetts Municipal Association/Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association, to be held at the Town of Natick Senior Center. This seminar will provide training in Open Meeting, Public Records and Conflict of Interest law,... read more
Attorney Kay Doyle will be speaking at the Annual Conference of the Massachusetts Planning Directors regarding the implementation of the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana Act passed in November, 2012, the Department of Public Health Regulations that went into effect on May 24, 2013 and amending local zoning or... read more
Attorney Kay Doyle will be speaking at the Franklin Regional Council of Governments regarding the implementation of the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana passed in November, 2012 and amending local zoning bylaws or ordinances to address medical marijuana-related uses, as well as other local regulation of medical marijuana.
Attorneys and staff from Kopelman and Paige will once against participate in the Annual Lawyers Have Heart 5K road race to benefit the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. To learn more about this event, click HERE.