Attorneys Jonathan Silverstein and Katherine Laughman have secured a significant zoning decision on behalf of the Town of Tisbury and also of great significance to other Massachusetts communities. The Supreme Judicial Court, the Commonwealth’s highest appellate court, issued a decision in Palitz v. Zoning Board of Appeals of Tisbury... read more
Attorney Carolyn Murray will present an “Introduction to the Zoning Act” at the Annual Meeting of the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative to be held at Holy Cross College in Worcester on March 21, 2015. This course is designed for newer board members, and will address the history and purposes... read more
Attorney Carolyn Murray recently won a Land Court decision dismissing an abutters’ appeal of the issuance of a building permit due to the abutters’ failure to have filed their appeal within 30-day deadline from their receipt of notice of the issuance of the building permit. Such a result is... read more
Attorney Austin will share her experience as an alumna and attorney with Kopelman and Paige, P.C. As a featured panelist on March 11, 2015, Attorney Austin will participate in a program presented to Latin School students who are evaluating potential career paths.
Attorney Patricia A. Cantor’s article entitled “Municipal Zoning Regulation and Medical Marijuana in Massachusetts” appears in the current issue of the New England Law Review online, published by the New England School of Law Journal. In this article, Attorney Cantor surveys state-wide municipal responses to the vote on the... read more
Attorney Lauren Goldberg, a frequent speaker at the Massachusetts City and Town Clerks Associations meetings, and at the meetings of regional clerks associations, has been asked to present an Open Meeting Law seminar at the Middlesex Town and City Clerks Association meeting at the Westford Regency in Westford, MA.... read more
It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting on January 23-24 in Boston. We prepared several new updates for the meeting. The topics covered a wide range of legal issues, and links to each handout can be found below. Appeals Court Decision... read more
Attorney Brian M. Maser recently secured a victory for the Town of Chelmsford in a challenge to a decision by the Police Chief to bypass a candidate for appointment as a police officer based on the candidate’s work history, credit history, driving record, and poor performance during his department... read more
On December 16, 2014, Attorney Thomas W. McEnaney secured a victory for the Town of Salisbury and several former and current Town officials from the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals in its decision upholding the dismissal by the U.S. District Court of all claims in Tomaselli, et al.... read more
Attorney Lauren Goldberg will present two seminars at the Massachusetts City and Town Clerks’ Associations “Getting Back to Basics” Winter Conference on February 5, 2015. Lauren, a frequent presenter at Clerks’ conferences, will review highlights from previous sessions, including Town Meeting, Municipal Finance, Opening Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest... read more