On October 26, 2011, Attorney Lauren F. Goldberg will be the featured speaker at the 2011 Fall Meeting of Tri-County Clerks Association, where she will give a presentation on recent developments under the recently revised Open Meeting Law. The Association meeting, which will include clerks from Plymouth, Bristol, and... read more
On October 27, 2011, Patricia A. Cantor will provide training on the Roles and Responsibilities of Planning & Zoning Boards (Part 2) at 7 P.M. at Southeast Regional Planning & Economic Development District, 88 Broadway, Taunton. Workshop topics will include Open Meeting, Public Records, and Conflict of Interest Laws,... read more
On October 13, 2011, Attorney Joel B. Bard will present the CPTC module entitled Introduction to Subdivision Control Law and ANR. The presentation will be held at the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission office, 60 Congress Street, 2nd Floor, Springfield. Attorney Bard will cover the purposes of the law, responsibilities... read more
On October 12, David J. Doneski will lead a workshop on Special Permits & Variances, held at the office of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, 33 New York Avenue, Oak Bluffs. MIIA credit* is available for this workshop, which includes discussion of the differences between Special Permits and Variances, as... read more
On June 9, 2011, Attorney Lauren F. Goldberg will be a presenter at the City and Town Clerks’ Associations’ Summer Conference in Falmouth, MA. In the morning, Attorney Goldberg will address the topic of Parliamentary Procedure, as well as provide an update on the Open Meeting Law. In the... read more
On June 28, 2011, Attorney Lauren Goldberg will be the speaker at the MCLE seminar entitled “Freedom of Information & Public Records Law,” to be held at 10 Winter Place, Boston. Attorney Goldberg will present on the topic of responses to public records requests as part of a three-person... read more
On June 10, 2011, Attorney Ilana M. Quirk will be a speaker at the annual conference of the Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors, where she will present a review of recent court decisions of relevance and interest to planners. The conference will be held at the Marriott Fairfield Inn... read more
on June 11, 2011, Attorney Lauren F. Goldberg will be a presenter at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Leadership Conference for Selectmen, in Sutton, MA. She will address a breakout session concerning major changes to the Conflict of Interest Law and Public Records Law.
Attorney Michele E. Randazzo will be a conference co-chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s 5th Annual Public Law Conference on June 16. For more information about this seminar, see http://www.massbar.org/cle/cle-programs?k=2391&kp=2364.
On May 25, John Giorgio will be a panelist at the “Ocean Outfall Symposium: Exploring Ocean Outfalls as a Wastewater Management Alternative for Cape Cod”. This panel will be held at the Cape Cod & Islands Realtors Conference Center, 22 Mid-Tech Drive, Yarmouth. Attorney Giorgio will also present a... read more