At the request of the Town of Falmouth, Attorney Joel Bard will provide a training session for the Falmouth Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals that will cover the roles and responsibilities of these two major land use boards. The request was made through the Citizen Planner Training... read more
Attorney Carolyn Murray will serve on a panel together with three municipal HR Directors, at the 2015 Annual Conference to be held at the Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis, MA. Attorney Murray will address employment and Human Resources topics that regularly confront Treasurers and Collectors who are often... read more
Kopelman and Paige provides a full range of legal services to housing and redevelopment across the Commonwealth. Attorney Thomas McEnaney, who heads the firm’s housing authority practice, will present a seminar on the Open Meeting Law at this year’s MassNAHRO conference, to be held at the Resort and Conference... read more
On May 6, 2015, Attorney Jonathan Silverstein will be a panelist at the Boston Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education program designed for attorneys, entitled, “Hot Topics in Zoning Law.” Attorney Silverstein will speak on the topic of the special treatment under the Zoning Act, G. L. c. 40A, §6... read more
On April 15, 2015, Attorney Gregg J. Corbo will address the Massachusetts Society of Municipal Conservation Professionals on the subject of the Americans with Disabilities Act Trail Accessibility Requirements at its annual meeting held Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center & Wildlife Sanctuary, 414 Massasoit... read more
Attorney Carolyn Murray will present an “Introduction to the Zoning Act” at the Annual Meeting of the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative to be held at Holy Cross College in Worcester on March 21, 2015. This course is designed for newer board members, and will address the history and purposes... read more
Attorney John Goldrosen will present an advanced training module entitled “Vested Rights and Nonconforming Uses and Structures” at the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative Annual Meeting to be held at Holy Cross College in Worcester on March 21, 2015. This course offers MIIA Certificate II credit and is intended to... read more
Attorney Lauren Goldberg will present two seminars at the Massachusetts City and Town Clerks’ Associations “Getting Back to Basics” Winter Conference on February 5, 2015. Lauren, a frequent presenter at Clerks’ conferences, will review highlights from previous sessions, including Town Meeting, Municipal Finance, Opening Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest... read more
Attorney Michele E. Randazzo will be leading a discussion on February 25, 2015 entitled “YOU ARE THE BOSS: PERSONNEL LEGAL GUIDANCE FOR SELECTBOARDS,” as part of the Franklin Regional Council of Government’s “Selectboard Essentials” Workshop Series. The program will cover classification and compensation plans; performance evaluations; and job descriptions... read more
Attorney John J. Goldrosen will be a faculty member for the annual MCLE seminar on “Zoning practice,” which will be held in Boston on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Attorney Goldrosen will present a summary of the past year’s Massachusetts appellate decisions on zoning and land-use issues, and will represent... read more