On December 16, 2014, Attorney Thomas W. McEnaney secured a victory for the Town of Salisbury and several former and current Town officials from the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals in its decision upholding the dismissal by the U.S. District Court of all claims in Tomaselli, et al.... read more
Attorney Lauren Goldberg will present two seminars at the Massachusetts City and Town Clerks’ Associations “Getting Back to Basics” Winter Conference on February 5, 2015. Lauren, a frequent presenter at Clerks’ conferences, will review highlights from previous sessions, including Town Meeting, Municipal Finance, Opening Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest... read more
Attorney Michele E. Randazzo will be leading a discussion on February 25, 2015 entitled “YOU ARE THE BOSS: PERSONNEL LEGAL GUIDANCE FOR SELECTBOARDS,” as part of the Franklin Regional Council of Government’s “Selectboard Essentials” Workshop Series. The program will cover classification and compensation plans; performance evaluations; and job descriptions... read more
Attorney John J. Goldrosen will be a faculty member for the annual MCLE seminar on “Zoning practice,” which will be held in Boston on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Attorney Goldrosen will present a summary of the past year’s Massachusetts appellate decisions on zoning and land-use issues, and will represent... read more
On January 14, 2015, Attorney Janet Pumphrey will present a seminar to attorneys on effective oral advocacy and writing effective legal briefs at the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education seminar “effective Appellate Advocacy.” Attorney Pumphrey, a frequent appellate advocate, will be part of a distinguished faculty panel including several Justices... read more
On December 4, 2014, Attorney Michele Randazzo will participate in a panel discussion entitled “The Massachusetts Records Law: It’s Weaknesses and How to Fix Them,” at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts newspaper Publishers Association.
On November 15, 2014, Attorney Jackie Cowin will co-present a seminar on updates in Fourth Amendment law to Massachusetts police officers. The seminar will take place at the office of the Massachusetts Municipal Police Institute, at which Attorney Cowin will instruct police officers on recent developments in the law... read more
On October 23, 2014, Attorney Joel Bard will address the Franklin Regional Council of Governments Planning Board on the subject of the zoning exemptions provided to agricultural and solar uses pursuant to G. L. c. 40A, including recent pertinent amendments to the Zoning Act and other timely issues and... read more
Attorney Brian M. Maser recently secured a victory for the Town of Chelmsford in an arbitration challenging a decision by the Fire Chief to place several firefighters on unpaid administrative leave for having expired EMT licenses. The Union’s grievance alleged lack of just cause for the action as neither... read more
On October 29, 2014, Attorney Elizabeth Lane will be at the office of the Old Colony Planning Council to present a seminar entitled “Introduction to the Zoning Act.” This survey of the history and overview of the most important provisions of the Zoning Act, G. L. c. 40A, will... read more