Social Media and Electronic Communications in the Workplace Discussion
Presentations by Attorney Lauren Goldberg at the Massachusetts Town and City Clerks Winter Conference

Seminar: “Roles and Responsibilities of Planning and Zoning Boards”

MCLE seminar: “Zoning Practice: MCLE BasicsPlus!”

Citizen Planner Training Collaborative’s Fall 2011 Workshops
In October and November, four Kopelman and Paige, P.C. attorneys led six of the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative’s Fall 2011 Workshops. As its name suggests, CPTC is a collaboration among the University of Massachusetts, planning organizations, and Regional Planning Authorities that provides a variety of training modules. These modules... read more
November Workshops by Attorney Elizabeth Lane

Presentation: Recent Developments of the Open Meeting Law

Training Session: Roles and Responsibilities of Planning & Zoning Boards

CPTC Presentation: Introduction to Subdivision Control Law and ANR