MMA Annual Meeting and Trade Show on January 18-19

Please join KP Law Attorneys at the MMA Annual Meeting and Trade Show Friday, January 18th 2:00-3:30 – Workshop – Growing Pains: Municipal Best Practices for Marijuana Industry (Hynes, Room 208, 2nd floor).  Join KP Law Attorney Katherine Laughman, a statewide leader in addressing legal issues under the new adult-use marijuana law, to learn more about... read more

Attorney Michele Randazzo will preside over the Administrative Agency Action and Judicial Review

Michele E. Randazzo On Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Attorney Michele Randazzo will preside over the Administrative Agency Action and Judicial Review: Nuts and Bolts, Practice Pointers and Recent Developments.   This program features an expert panel of lawyers with experience in all aspects of Massachusetts administrative law. Additional panel members are Hon.... read more

Congratulations to our 2017 Super Lawyers

KP Law is pleased to report that Attorneys Jonathan M. Silverstein and Michele E. Randazzo, Members at the firm, and Attorneys Deborah I. Ecker and Janet Hetherwick Pumphrey, Counsel at the firm, were named as Super Lawyers for 2017. The designation is bestowed after a rigorous selection process, including... read more

Attorney Lauren F. Goldberg Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association Fall Conference Panelist

Lauren F. Goldberg Attorney Lauren F. Goldberg, the Managing Attorney of KP Law, participated as a panelist in a training session at the Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association Fall Conference concerning social media, the Open Meeting Law, the Conflict of Interest Law and related topics.  The training session included a panel presentation entitled, “Twitter, and Facebook, and Insta... read more

Presentations by Attorneys Janelle Austin and Katherine Laughman at the MMLA, September 20, 2018

Attorneys Janelle Austin and Katherine Laughman will be presenting at the Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association Annual Conference on September 20, 2018. Attorney Austin will be discussing recent developments in Massachusetts firearms licensing and Attorney Laughman will be discussing current issues in marijuana regulation. The MMLA will be held at:... read more

Legal Update Presentation by Attorney Michele Randazzo at the MARTA 2018 Fall Conference

Michele E. Randazzo Attorney Michele Randazzo will present a Legal Update at the Massachusetts Association of Regional Transportation Authorities’ Fall Conference, on Monday, September 24, 2018. The program will cover the new Workplace Safety Act, the Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act, and the Pay Equity Act, among other topics. The Conference will be... read more